Sustainable Bamboo Products of Indonesia

These bamboo products are created  through a sustainable, environmentally and culturally responsible process supervised by the Environmental Bamboo Foundation (EBF).

The raw materials are harvested from community-managed forests in East Nusa Tenggara (ENT), the province where EBF carries out an ongoing bamboo seedling and planting program in 223 villages.

The seedlings are planted in degraded land, around water sources, and along rivers to protect and improve the local ecosystem. EBF has also trained  and assisted the villagers in managing and harvesting the bamboo forest in a sustainable way.

The program engages more than 1,600 Bamboo Mamas—rural women and housewives—to spearhead the bamboo nursery program.

Bamboo Mamas are  also the core members of the BamboCoop, a multi-stakeholders cooperative founded in 2022 to serve as the economic platform to improve rural economy through community-based bamboo industry.

BambooCoop manages RPB (Rumah Produksi Bersama), Indonesia’s first bamboo-focused shared factory, in Labuan Bajo, ENT. Jointly developed and constructed by  the Ministry of Cooperative and SMEs, ENT and West Manggarai administrations, and EBF, RPB will act as the principal producer of innovative bamboo products.

The products include laminated bamboo timber, bamboo scrimber, bamboo bicycles, and handicrafts. Waste will be processed into bamboo pellets as a source of renewable energy.

In 2024, a biomass demonstration plot will be constructed  in RPB area to initiate the bamboo-based renewable energy transition program in ENT.